I spent the last four days painting my old dark brown dresser. I have always liked its form and style, but the colour, oh the colour... I didn't fit at all into my room. But now, HAVE LOOK :D It's so much better now, don't you think?
I chose some motives of artists I admire and added some of my own ideas.

Two total views. Small drawers with my own designs. Upper big drawer with pacman, of course (I had to do some pacman painting!!), lower big drawer with a little umbrella girl and it's mushroom friend inspired by Tanji Akiko, apples by me.

Upside: Smiling funny trees and sun by myself, super cool smoking caterpillar copied from a painting of
Dain Fagerholm.

Twiggeldy/Twiggeldum-like Siamese Twins, inspired by a drawing in Anorak Magazine issue No. 10 (I could not find the artist, if someone knows, please tell me!)

Mother Magpie and her babys and Jussike, from Jussikes Sieben Freunde by Silvi Väljal (old USSR childrens' book,one of my favourites)
Everything done with acrylic paint. By the way, last week, I rearranged my whole working place. Pictures coming soon!
Sooooooo awesome!
AntwortenLöschenthank you :) I want to do more of that stuff now. Painting furniture rocks :D
AntwortenLöschenTehe, this is so sweet!
AntwortenLöschenI really don'T like pink, but this is just AWESOME!!! wow, very, very inspiring!!!