Montag, 8. August 2011

magic seeds

When you're a plant lover or passionate gardener, you must take a look at this amazing plant seed mailorder site. Many of their seeds are organic and they sell a huge choice of very old almost unknown vegetable and fruit species. Sooooo tempting!
I wish I had a real garden and not only my three little window sills for a few herb and flower pots (and saying few, I mean FEW!).

in my perfect dream garden, I would have...

1.ox heart carrots 2.kintoki carrot beetroot 4.tigernut 5.teltow turnips 6.parsnips radish 8.sea kale
9.pak choi 10.brussel sprouts 11.purslane 12.postilein salad 13.San Marzano tomato zebra tomato mexican corn 16.borlotti beans 17.butternut squash 18.siam squash 19.patisson 20.strawberry spinach
21.service berry 22.wild strawberries 23.burnet thyme 25.thai basil 26.cilantro 27.mexican cinnamon basil
28.wild sunflower 29.wild sage 30.wolly foxglove 31.wild tulip echinacea 33.cosmos 34.angelica 35.sorb tree
36.wild cherry

Also absolutely worth a visit, especially if you live in Germany, Austria or Switzerland, is Baumgartner Baumschulen. They specialize in very old and rare fruit tree species and offer over 300 sorts of apple trees (and pears, plums, mirabells, qunices, apricots...) And their very names make you drool.

Don't disturb me now. I have to dream of my apple pie, pear chutney, apricot sauce, quince juice, herbal tea, root vegetable pot-au-feu, sun dried tomatoes, squash ragout, mixed berry icecream, roasted beets, bean soup and summer bouquets...

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